2023 has been a great year for gaming, and I've had the pleasure of playing some excellent titles over the course of the last 12 months.
Because of this, I've decided to expand my typical Summer Gaming Goldmine into a retrospective of all the best games I've experience over the past calendar year.
Star Ratings Explained
If you're wondering how I determine the ratings for the games played, here is an insight into the criteria used for each of the titles listed below.
Star Rating | Reasoning |
5 Stars | A fun and well-crafted game that everyone should play. Minimal technical issues and contains industry-leading mechanics or experiences. |
4.5 Stars | A great game with only a few factors holding it back from being excellent. Most gamers will have a good time, but some might not like it. |
4 Stars | A good experience overall, but with some major setbacks preventing it from reaching its full potential. Lots of gamers will enjoy this game, but others will feel indifferent or unimpressed after their experience. |
3.5 Stars | A game that includes a number of flaws and is missing key features, but excels in certain areas. Opinions on the title will be quite divisive and will depend on your preferences. |
3 Stars or Below | A deeply flawed and disappointing game that has not lived up to expectations. Most gamers should steer away, at least until an update or revision. |
Why don't you have many games below 4 stars?
As someone who doesn't have as much spare time to play games as I would like -especially new ones- I tend to take a lot of time picking out games that I want to play, meaning I simply don't want to play games that are less appealing to my tastes.
Also, I believe it takes a lot for a game to be truly bad, and to not have any appealing qualities. With games being such a subjective area, it's hard to say that a game I didn't enjoy wouldn't be a great game for someone else. As a result, it doesn't feel right to rate any game that functions well and has plenty of redeeming qualities poorly.
Hi-Fi Rush
My first game of the year was also the one I decided to award 'Game of the Year'. Hi-Fi Rush came out of nowhere in January, leading to a pleasantly surprising way to start 2023.
Despite plenty of heavy competition, this rhythm-based action-adventure was quite literally music to my ears. With an incredible band of techno misfits, on-beat combat, and a fun comic book artstyle, this game will have you rocking the night away. I'm just hoping this isn't a one-hit wonder!
Get Hi-Fi Rush for Xbox/PC at:
I believe that all gamers should have a game in their rotation that can help alleviate some stress after a long day. For most of 2023, Grindstone has been that game for me.
This simplistic puzzler adds an aggressive spin on the gem-based grid format popularised by the likes of Candy Crush. Plus, I was surprised at how much the quirky appearance of the characters and monsters, along with a plethora of intruiging levels and power-ups hooked me in to play just one more level.
As a cheap game that is easy to jump in and out for short bursts of action, Grindstone is definitely worth considering for Switch users.
Get Grindstone for Nintendo Switch at:
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
In a world where the soulslike genre is at the peak of its popularity thanks to Elden Ring and Bloodbourne, any developers looking to release a successful game need to up the stakes a little. And whilst I enjoyed the demonic spin on the Three Kingdoms story, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty struggled to maintain momentum, which led me to put the controller down before completing the story.
In a year with less blockbuster releases, I would have probably seen this game through, as I did enjoy the combat and level structure. However, the lack of progression and brief story moments towards the end of the game caused me to tail off an otherwise fun and challenging title.
Get Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty for PC at:
After playing a healthy dose of Minecraft over the years, I know just how fun an online survival game can be. However, it had been a while since I had found myself truly interested in dipping my toe into the genre once more.
But once Grounded came along with their 1.0 update, I wanted to try it out. After a number of hours scrambling resources and journeying through the garden as a unfortunate teen that had been shrunk down to the size of an ant, it's safe to say that Obsidian reignited my interest in the survival genre.
If you're looking for a family-friendly game to play with family, friends, and partners, I can't recommend this game enough. I've been playing this game with my girlfriend, and it is has been a blast!
Get Grounded for Xbox Series/One at:
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
As a fan of both Dynasty Warriors and The Legend of Zelda franchises, the concept of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity instantly appealed to me. But going into my playthrough, I knew the Hack'N'Slash nature would be an acquired taste.
Considering my thoughts going into the game, Age of Calamity impressed me with its intricate story, which made the spinoff feel as if it truly contributed to the story of Breath of the Wild. However, the sheer amount of busywork and repetitive tasks needed to complete this game means that only true Zelda and Warriors fans would find Age of Calamity such an appealing prospect.
Get Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for Nintendo Switch at:
NBA 2K23
Sports games have always been one of my biggest guilty pleasures. Whilst the genre as a whole has been given a bad reputation for the infestation of monetisation methods and lack of innovation.
However, one game that has always stood above the rest in my opinion, NBA 2K. Last year's iteration was no different, with the excellent career mode rivalling some RPGs for its attention to detail and immersion. If you really want to feel like a pro athlete, it doesn't come much better than this.
Whilst NBA 2K24 has since released, I purchased NBA 2K23 for a discount price, so that I always have a way to get back on the court.
Get NBA 2K23 for Xbox Series X/S at:
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
One of my most anticipated games of the year was Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, as I couldn't wait to see what was next for Cal and the gang. Whilst the rest of the franchise isn't in the best spot right now, the Star Wars games are arguably the best they've ever been, making gamers across the galaxy feel at one with the force.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a prime example of this, providing epic lightsaber combat and a riveting story full of monumental moments. The only shame is that the game couldn't keep performance issues -the dark side of gaming- at bay.
But, I've heard that significant improvements have been made in this area, so this is going to be a must-play for Star Wars fans.
Get Star Wars Jedi: Survivor for Xbox Series X/S at:
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda has always been an iconic gaming franchise, but the brilliance of Breath of the Wild opened the series up to a whole new audience, including myself. That's why I couldn't wait for one of the most hyped sequels of all time.
Thankfully, the wait was worth it, as Tears of the Kingdom is an excellent follow-up that is full of surprises and wonder. Whilst the similarities in the artstyle and combat lead to an unjustified sense of familiarity, this game is simply a must-play for all gamers.
Get The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kindom for Nintendo Switch at:
Baldur's Gate 3
From one excellent game to another, as Baldur's Gate 3 seemingly came out of nowhere to steal the hearts of gamers around the globe. After finally getting my hands on the hottest release and experiencing the challenging combat and gripping story beats, it's clear to see why.
In a time when plenty of blockbuster releases fell like nothing more than a cash grab, Baldur's Gate 3 has reminded the gaming world what can be achieved when a team's heart and soul is allowed the time needed to forge a masterpiece.
Whilst I am yet to progress through the story as much as I would have liked, I can't wait to continue playing Baldur's Gate 3 in 2024.
Get Baldur's Gate 3 for PC at:
Possibly the most dissapointing game of 2023 for me was Starfield. As a space fan that has been crying out for a new intergalactic journey, Starfield was at the top of my wishlist for a number of years. Paired with the hype from a good showing at Summer Game Fest, I went into the Starfield, ready to be amazed.
At first, my time in this futuristic universe was an absolute blast, full of interesting worlds and stories. However, the atmosphere surrounding the game began to run thin, leading to a lack of interest after 70 hours or so.
I feel as though Starfield would have been better with less planets filled with more of the cities that made the questlines feel so magical in the first place. In 2024, I intend to give Bethesda's latest release another go, with the hopes to re-capture the good aspects of this ambitous RPG.
Get Starfield for Xbox Series X/S & PC at:
Forza Motorsport
Another Xbox first-party game that came under fire this year was Forza Motorsport, with many stating the revitalised progression system to take a lot of fun out of this racing simulator. Though I can see where a lot of the criticism is coming from, I've still enjoyed my time with Forza Motorsport.
Since it released in October, I've been hopping in and out of the game for a quick whip around a track, with a few extended sessions to try and master my driving skills. Whilst the progression system does feel somewhat restrictive compared to previous Forza titles, my main concern with the game is the lack of variety in the single player tours.
Despite the critiques, Forza Motorsport still received the Sports Game of the Year honour in my end of year awards, mainly due to the stunning visuals and immersive racing mechanics.
Get Forza Motorsport for Xbox Series X/S & PC at:
A Way Out
When I sat down to play this game with my brother, I wasn't expecting to get through the 6-7 hour campaign in a single sitting. However, after the first hour or so, we were both hooked into the epic story of A Way Out.
It's no surprise that the predecessor to It Takes Two would offer captivating gameplay with an emotionally gripping narative. My only complaint was that the game wasn't longer, especially when the ending showed the true potential of this co-operative action thriller.
If you're looking for a game to play with a friend or sibling, i'd susggest putting A Way Out towards the top of your shortlist.
Get A Way Out for PC at:
Despite not playing as many Indie games as I would have liked to in 2023, again due to the sheer amount of AAA releases, I still managed to sneak a few games from smaller developers into my schedule. Whilst I didn't get past a few hours in many of the games I tried, Jusant's shorter story allowed me to experience this game in all its glory.
All I can say about this game is wow! Jusant is a beautiful game that will release plenty of endorphins as you scale a mountainside to inravel the secrets of the lost land. This day one release on game pass is definitely worth a playthrough, especially as it will only take a few hours.
Get Jusant for Xbox Series X/S at:
God of War (2018)
This year, I finally got access to PlayStation's incredible collection of first-party titles, so it was time to start making my way through the list of blockbuster hits. After plenty of deliberation, the first game to tick off my list ended up being God of War.
Whilst a number of new releases led to a staggered start, this game was truly worth the wait. Featuring invigorating combat, a majestic landscape, and an emotional rollercoaster of a story, God of War has become one of the modern classics in my book.
Get God of War (2018) for PC at:
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